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Hawai'i Foods Logo

Welcome to Hawaiʻi Foods​

Our mission is to provide the public with information on the nutritional content of foods and recipes that are unique to Hawaiʻi. We hope that this can serve as a resource for you to learn more about foods and recipes from the many cultural and ethnic groups that call Hawaiʻi home.

Disclaimer: General and reliable food and nutrient information is provided on this website to help you make healthier choices. The website is not intended to meet the specific needs of people with special diet requirements, who should consult with a credentialed nutrition expert and/or licensed healthcare professional.

Original Recipe Submission

Thank you for your interest in submitting a recipe/food to the Hawaiʻi Foods database. This form is for individuals who would like to share local and/or unique original recipes. If you would like to submit recipes that are partially or wholly of a series, set, or book, please contact us directly at (see “Contact Us” at the bottom of this page). Written permission from the owners/authors of the series, set, or book is required.

Hawaiʻi Foods Recipe Protocol

All recipe submissions must meet the Hawaiʻi Foods Recipe Protocol. The protocol is adapted from the Check Sheet for Development and Evaluation of Standardized Recipes for Audiences with Limited Resources and the Childrenʻs Healthy Living Program (CHL)- Required Best Practices. Table 2 includes requirements for: the name of the recipe, the directions for combining ingredients, features for audiences with limited resources and food and nutrition features. Table 3, while optional, includes recommended best practices.   

Original Recipe Submission

Terms and Your Information

Please read and acknowledge the following terms and conditions.

The Hawaii Nutrition Center (referred to as “HNC,” which includes Hawaiʻi Foods, SNAP-Ed, EFNEP, and Building Healthy Communities) reserves the right to exclude any submitted recipes/foods for publication for reasons including duplication/similarity to existing content, copyright infringement, missing information, a lack of/unacceptable images, or is not otherwise local or unique. HNC also reserves the right to edit any submitted images.

By submitting any material for publication, you grant HNC non-exclusive rights and permission to use the material, including the right to modify, reproduce, republish, and distribute the material in any medium and in any manner. This includes using images in online publications, newsletters, social media posts, ebooks, and printed books. Please note that HNC and its related programs do not offer current or future compensation for published submissions.

When you submit a recipe/food for publication, you grant HNC the right to include your name in the published post and credit you as the author of the recipe. You also confirm that the recipe and its details are your own original creation and have not been copied from any print or online source. HNC is not responsible for any copyright violations on submitted recipes/foods.

By submitting material for publication, you agree that the recipe/food and its details have not been previously published either online or in print, in any form. This includes, but is not limited to, all online and print publications.

To agree to these terms, click on the checkbox below.

Recipe Media + Information

Please provide a color, high definition (240dpi, 1024px X 768px) , well-composed, bright, and attractive image of your food or recipe.
Hawaiʻi Foods categorizes all entries into either recipes or foods. Please indicate if you are submitting a RECIPE or a FOOD. | RECIPES include preparation information (directions, ingredients) and nutrition information. FOODS do NOT include preparation information (directions, ingredients), however should include nutrition information.
Who should we give credit to (name, organization, etc.)
You may select multiple
You may select multiple
Example Recipe: Beef Stew = Beef (Meat/Protein), Carrots (Vegetables), Vegetable Oil (Oil/Fat), Pasta (Noodles). Any amount of a given ingredient of a recipe counts. You may select multiple
You may select multiple
You may select multiple
Skip if you do not know if your food or recipe is considered Heart Healthy. More info: https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/company-collaboration/heart-check-certification/heart-check-in-the-grocery-store/heart-check-food-certification-program-nutrition-requirements
Choose existing source or if new source leave blank, go back and add to Author/Attribution in last section.

Ingredients and Instructions

One ingredient per line. If your item is a FOOD (not a recipe), skip this section and go to the next section: Nutrition
One instruction per line. If your item is a FOOD (not a recipe), skip this section and go to the next section: Nutrition
Ex: 4 people
Copy the following nutrient list into the text field and put the amount directly after (unit is noted). Serving Size Unit (#, Unit), Calories (kcal), Carbohydrates (g), Protein (g), Fat (g), Saturated Fat (g), Cholesterol (mg), Sodium (mg), Potassium (mg), Fiber (g), Added Sugars (optional). You may also include extra notes here.
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