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Archived Projects

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Good Grinding for Wise Dining

Good Grinding for Wise Dining is a nutrition education curriculum for older adults to be used in a group dining setting. Based on the dietary guidelines and food guidance system, the Good Grinding curriculum promotes healthy eating attitudes and behaviors using simple, targeted messages and other evidence-based strategies.

Grocery Store Tours

The Grocery Store Tour project is a nutrition education curriculum for food stamp or food stamp-eligible adults, heads of households, and primary shoppers. The Grocery Store Tour curriculum promotes healthful shopping attitudes and behaviors using simple targeted messages and themes and promotes consumption of veggies and fruits.

Food Safety

It is important to keep foods safe to eat. Food should be nourishing for our bodies and not make us sick. It is important for food to be handled carefully from the time food is bought and prepared till it is eaten and stored. It is also important to wash hands before handling food. This includes preparing, cooking, eating, and storing food. Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water (sing the ABC song once or Happy Birthday song twice). Be sure to wash thoroughly - between fingers, underneath finger nails, etc. Proper safe food handling methods may prevent food related illnesses. Please refer to the "Be Safe" and "The Food Keeper" handouts for more tips on food safety.

Food Shopping

It is important to plan ahead before shopping for our food. The "Spending Less, Eating Better" handout offers shopping tips on how to plan ahead before going to the grocery store.

Healthy Meetings for Wellness

Healthy food choices and regular physical activity are critical health issues. So much of our time is spent in meetings, workshops, conferences, presentations, seminars and catered events — they are part of our worksite reality. For these functions, we can model our commitment to wellness by (1) providing healthy food choices and options and (2) including opportunities for physical activity.


Healthy Meetings for Wellness – Encouraging Choices for Food and Physical Activity promotes the practice of “healthy meeting behaviors” with regards to food and physical activity. The healthy meeting behaviors of food choices for health and the integration of physical activity will become a habit, a social norm, for our meetings, workshops and events.

  • To increase the level of “healthy meeting behaviors.”   
  • To model and promote an environment of healthy foods and physical activity. Worksites, events, meetings and gathering places will offer choices for healthy eating and physical activity.