Participating Agencies

Participant picking up kit
Kaimuki YMCA

Kaimukī-Waiʻalae YMCA at Kūhiō Elementary School

Mayor Wright Homes Staff

Hawaiʻi Literacy at
Mayor Wright Homes

Food to Grow staff with Philip Street contact holding green bean seedlings

Philip Street

Pauahi Kupuna Hale

Pauahi Kūpuna Hale

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA Winter Break 2020

Nuuanu YMCA staff holding seedlings at Pauoa School A+

Nuʻuanu YMCA at Pauoa Elementary A+

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA at Dole Middle School

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA at Alvah Scott Elementary A+
(SY 2020-21)

Liliuokalani Trust

Liliʻuokalani Trust Kaneohe

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA Childcare Day Camp

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA Moanalua Community Park

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA Moanalua Summer School Special

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA
Nā Alakaʻi

Malama Kauai

Malama Kauaʻi

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA at Kapalama Elementary A+

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA at Lanakila Elementary A+

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA at Alvah Scott Elementary A+
(SY 2021-2022)

Atherton/Nuuanu YMCA

Atherton YMCA at Lincoln Elementary A+

Atherton YMCA

Atherton YMCA at Stevenson Middle School

KEY Project

KEY Project Food Distribution

Maunaloa Food Pantry

Sustʻainable Molokai and Molokai Extension at Maunaloa, Molokai

KROC logo

The Salvation Army Kroc Center

Keiki Spring Fest

Hale Naʻau Pono
Keiki Spring Fest

HCAP logo

HCAP Leeward -
Kupuna Class

People's Open Market Logo

Kaumualiʻi POM
(People's Open Market)

Kupuna Class

Hale Naʻau Pono -
Kupuna Class

Kalihi Union Church

Kalihi Union Church
Food Distribution

Leadership Disabilities and Achievement in Hawaii

Leadership in Disabilities and Achievement in Hawaii

Hale Wai Vista contact holding green bean seedlings

Catholic Charities Hawaiʻi at Hale Wai Vista

Leeward YMCA

Leeward YMCA Summer 2022 Programs

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA Summer 2022 Programs

Leeward Community Church staff in front of Hawaii Food Bank truck

Leeward Community Church Food Distribution

Malulani Hale agency contact standing next to seedling distribution table

Malulani Hale

Molokai agency and UH staff at distribution tent

Sustʻainable Molokai
and Molokai Extension
at Kaunakakai, Molokai

Agency contact holding green bean seedling kit

Catholic Charities at
Hale OʻHauoli Elderly

Kulia agency and UH staff with seedling kits


Maui Hub logo

Maui Hub

Franciscan Vistas Ewa Green Beans

Franciscan Vistas Ewa

Tutu and Me agency photo

Tūtū and Me at Kahaluʻu

Tutu and Me agency photo

Tūtū and Me at Waialua

Lanikuhonua agency photo

Tūtū and Me at Lanikūhonua

TTM Papakolea agency photo

Tūtū and Me at Papakōlea

TTM Nu'uanu Agency photo

Tūtū and Me at Nuʻuanu

TTM Ko'olau agency photo

Tūtū and Me at Koʻolau

Kaimuki-Waialae Kuhio School A+ staff posing with green bean seedlings

Kaimukī-Waiʻalae YMCA at Kūhiō School A+

Agency photo with trained staff showing newspaper pots and transplanted seedlings.

U.S. VETS - Waiʻanae

Lā Kūpuna Day agency photo

Nā Kula Kamali'i Nānākuli

WCCHC logo

Waiʻanae Coast Comprehensive Health Center

Hale Na'au Pono agency photo

Hale Na'au Pono
Waiʻanae Neighborhood Place

KEY Project agency staff

KEY Project
Food Distribution

Leeward YMCA agency photo

Leeward YMCA
Summer Programs 2023

Kalihi YMCA

Kalihi YMCA
Summer Programs 2023

People's Open Market Logo

Kaumualiʻi POM 2023
(People's Open Market)

Grace Baptist Hilo agency photo

Grace Baptist Church Hilo

Kekaulike Courtyards staff posing with transplanted bok choy seedlings

Kekaulike Courtyards

DA BOX staff posing with seedling kit

DA BOX Hawaiʻi Island

Center for Getting Things Started logo

Center for Getting Things Started and DA BOX
Hawaiʻi Island

Leeward YMCA agency photo Kupuna

Leeward YMCA Kūpuna

Paradise Chapel logo

Hale Naʻau Pono at Paradise Chapel Food Distribution

Blue Zones Project logo

Blue Zones Project
Keiki to Kūpuna Day

Lanakila Pacific logo

Lanakila Pacific Wahiawa

Waiahole Elementary logo

Waiahole Elementary Community Market

Food to Grow Logo

Senior Residence at Iwilei

Easterseals Hawaii logo

Easterseals Keaʻau

Dynamic Compassion for Action agency photo

Dynamic Compassion in Action at Waimānalo District Park

HCAP agency photo

Honolulu Community Action Program - Pohakea

HCAP agency photo

Honolulu Community Action Program - Iroquois Point

Waianae Public Library agency photo

Waiʻanae Public Library

Leeward YMCA Preschool training

Leeward YMCA Preschool

Shriners agency photo

Shriners Children's Hawaiʻi

Kamehameha Preschool agency photo

Nā Kula Kamali'i Nānākuli Kamehameha Preschool

Kapalama School logo

Kapalama Elementary School

Helping Hands Hawaii logo

Helping Hands Hawaiʻi

HUD - Pear Suite - Aloha Care logos

Farm Fresh Friday at Punchbowl Homes

Hui o Hauʻula logo

Hui o Hauʻula

Moʻiliʻili Community Center logo

Moiʻiliʻili Community Center

Liliha Public Library agency photo

Liliha Public Library

Blanche-Pope Elementary School agency photo

Blanche-Pope Elementary School

Kalihi-Palama Health Center agency photo

Kalihi-Palama Health Center

Food to Grow Logo

Waimānalo Senior Citizens Club

Waianae YMCA agency photo

Waiʻanae YMCA Kūpuna

Nanakuli Elementary

Nānākuli Elementary School

Reality Honolulu Church

Reality Honolulu Church

Na Kupuna Makamae logo

Nā Kūpuna Makamae Center

Waimea Public Library agency photo

Waimea (Kauaʻi) Public Library

Maluhia agency photo

Maluhia Adult Day Health Center

WorkHawaii Level Up Youth

WorkHawaii Level Up Youth


I just want to thank you so much for letting us participate in the Food to Grow workshop. We had so much fun and we learned a lot. Families are still talking about what a great time they had. (September 2024)

Thank you very much for all of your hard work! This was more than what we had expected. WOW! This was truly a fun activity for my students and I know that the parents had a wonderful time as well. You went above and beyond to make this meeting a success. My students learned the importance of recycling and reducing waste, and this project aligned perfectly with what we were learning about. We learned to be sustainable by making newspaper pots. The kids learned the parts of the plants and their function. We had so many wonderful learning moments! (May 2024)

We are extremely grateful to Deanna and David for their invaluable contribution in facilitating Hawaii Nutrition Center program's "Food to Grow" at Kekaulike Courtyards. Their unwavering dedication, professionalism, and ability to educate our community have been truly remarkable. Through their guidance, we have gained access to incredible resources that will allow our community to live healthily on a limited budget, all thanks to the program's website. The experience of learning how to create sustainability and grow our own food has been transformative. We cannot express enough gratitude for the education, time, and generosity provided by this program. We sincerely hope that every community seizes this opportunity. We eagerly anticipate witnessing our residents' success in growing their own food and are excited to see the images that capture these achievements. Thank you so much for everything.

I originally established contact with SNAP-Ed to ask for a list of resources to help assist me with a nutrition class I was planning on teaching. Deanna reached out to me with a whole program called Food to Grow! The resources, class, and training she offered me was way more than I could have ever asked for. Food to Grow is such an amazing program for the community to get involved in growing their own fruits and vegetables. What a sense of accomplishment being able to grow your own food! The residents and employees at our shelter loved having the opportunity to green their thumbs. I 100% recommend this program!

Just wanted to share, we are using the skills we learned from your workshop to grow herbs for our 85th Anniversary 😊. We are growing cilantro, tomatoes, green onions, basil, parsley, garlic chives, Greek oregano, and thyme. Wish us luck!!!

We loved the education on healthy foods, habits and plants that were shared to the community and families.

Keep doing what you folks are doing because it's so impactful!

The children had an opportunity to learn to grow their own beans. Thank you Food To Grow program and Deanna for this wonderful program!

Thank you so much for doing this for us. It was a great opportunity and it sparked much passion for growing more veggies! It’s so fun to watch our beans sprout and grow. Can’t wait to harvest and EAT!

Thanks so much for letting us participate in this program, it has been a real success!

I was also a part of the (group) who didn't know about using EBT. I appreciate the education.

The tenants were thrilled with this project and it was very easy to work with Deanna! She was well organized.

I like how the project was broken down so it was easy to explain to the kids.

Deanna was so enthusiastic, it was a pleasure working with her. Tenants were a little shy at first but once they were encouraged, they were able to participate. Wonderful project for the Seniors!

I absolutely loved the Food to Grow project and appreciate our partnership so much. Thank you for making the process so easy and smooth.

It's a great project! It gives the recipient the responsibility to take care of something that he/she will enjoy eating later on.

Children enjoyed the hands-on experience!

This project has opened many doors of interest and possibilities for the students. They enjoyed the simplicity in task which therefore caused them to engage throughout the project. Students looked forward to the follow up activities, with frequent questions like "why can't we plant the seeds today?" or "when are we going to plant the seeds again?" which was asked daily for a week straight! On the end of coordinating, planning was very thorough yet extremely flexible. The students school life has been adjusted completely, and being able to work with Deanna to better suit their new way of schooling was a pleasure. This project was definitely a delight to have, and I look forward to introducing this to the rest of our programs/sites. MAHALO!